Student Safety
Student Safety |
Safe Arrival |
Safe Arrival is a service provided to reassure parents their child has safely arrived a school. If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the Main building at 457-8953. This number is available 24 hours a day. Please leave your child's name, class and length of absence on the answering machine. For example, "David Smith in grade 6S is sick and will not be in school today and tomorrow". Calls placed by students will not be accepted. Please keep in mind that each unnecessary call made to a home by the secretary or volunteer, may interfere with the prompt identification of a child who has not arrived at school as expected, potentially placing their safety at risk. |
Emergencies and Accidents |
Despite the careful supervision of students emergencies and accidents do occur. School staff routinely handle minor cuts and scrapes. There is no nurse at the school, except on an itinerant basis; though several staff are trained in first aid. In the case of injury or illness the parent or guardian will be contacted. It is important that the school is provided with accurate contact information. Please keep the phone numbers and contact person on file in the office up to date so that the appropriate person can be quickly contacted in the event of an emergency. |
Supervision of Students |
Daily supervision by teachers is provided from 8:40 to 8:50 each morning and again from 12:55 to 1:05. Parents should be aware that the school is not responsible for monitoring students before these times. Students should plan to arrive at school between the indicated times unless they are attending sport or classroom activities scheduled by a staff member. Teachers also provide supervision during the recess period. Students are encouraged to go directly home after school unless they are taking part in a school sponsored activity. |
Visitors and Volunteers |
Fairview Heights Elementary School parents are always welcome to visit our school. We have an active volunteer group who assist the teachers and students in many beneficial ways. This is a great way to become involved in your child's school. The HRSB has adopted a Student Protection Policy required by volunteers and chaperones. To view this policy and to learn how it may impact directly upon you, visit the following school board link It is important that the school is aware of all visitors, including parents. All visitors are requested to use the main door by the office. It is school policy that all visitors sign in and receive a I.D. card at the office before proceeding to a classroom or any other area. If you are delivering articles we would suggest you leave them at the office for your child to pick up. |
Traffic Safety |
Please assist us in providing a safe school environment for all of our students. Remember to exercise caution when dropping off and picking up students. Parents/guardians who are dropping students off at the Main and Annex buildings should not drive on the school grounds. At no time should anyone drive on the schoolyard at the Annex building. When students are being dropped off at the Main building, please drop them off along the sidewalk on Gesner Street. Familiarize yourself with the restricted parking areas at both buildings; parking regulations are often monitored by the police department. Be sure to go over safety rules with your children. Discourage your children from running between parked cars to cross the street. |
Allergy Alerts |
Due to the increased number of children with peanut allergies and the possibility of a life threatening allergic reaction, Fairview Heights is a NUT SENSITIVE ZONE. Please do not send peanut products of any kind to school. This includes peanut butter and all other products containing or made with peanuts. We realize this is sometimes difficult, but when considering the consequences for some students, it is worth the attention. |
Fairview Heights Elementary School has a scent-sensitive policy. With the increasing occurrence of environmental illness, the chemicals contained in scented products are of greater concern than once believed. Due to many students and staff with asthma and environmental sensitivities, we ask you to refrain from wearing any scented products while attending school, participating on class trips or visiting the buildings. This can include deodorant, hair products, moisturizers, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and cosmetics. |
Administration of Medication |
In general, parents are responsible for the administration of medication to their children. Parents may request the school to administer medication with a signed HRSB form from the attending physician. Only the principal or his/her designate may administer approved medications. All other medication, including Tylenol, Aspirin etc., may not be administered without the signed medical documentation. |
Fire Drills |
There are a minimum of six fire drills throughout the school year. Students should have indoor footwear on at all times to ensure they are prepared for fire drills. Classroom teachers will review proper fire drill procedures in September and periodically during the year. |
School Insurance Program |
To find out more about the School Insurance Program visit their web site: |