Fairview Heights Elementary (Main Building)

Lunch Program

Lunch Program

Healthy Snacks

Recess is an important break. Please provide your child with healthy school snacks (such as vegetable sticks and dip, fresh fruits, whole-grain muffins -NO PEANUTS) . Although your child may like the taste of pop, chocolate, chips and candy, this food does not provide a child with the necessary raw materials for growth and learning. Sugars and food colouring ingested at recess and lunchtime may adversely affect a student's behaviour and the ability to concentrate. So please, try to avoid sending junk food snacks.

Nut-Smart School

Due to the increased number of children with peanut allergies and the possibility of a life threatening allergic reaction, Fairview Heights is a peanut sensitive zone. Please do not send peanut products of any kind to school. This includes peanut butter and all other products containing peanuts or made with peanuts. We realize this is sometimes difficult, but when considering the consequences for some students, it is worth the attention. * Important note if you are using any soy nut butter products, simply label the sandwhich so that our lunch monitors and students know that it is not peanut butter.*